Firstly we drove along the marine drive route which shows the views of the bay and the open sea front. It was lovely.
I have fond memories of visits to Llanduno with my Nana and grandad as a child. I told Aaron ( he is writing a book about his family ) I remember us catching the boat from Liverpool sailing across the Irish Sea on day trips to the North Wales Coast. The boat used to dock at the end of the pier in Llandundno. I remember one particular crossing when it was winding as we sailed back to Liverpool. The boat rocked over the waves. My Nana was trying to have a wee on the loo and all you could hear in the cubicle was her giggles as the boat rock up and down and her shoes clip cloped on and off the toilet as she tried to have a wee. We were in hysterics my Nana would see the funny side of anything. She died in 1988 a year before my dad 21 yrs ago. Aaron loves to hear old family story's from the past analogs them all in his book.
After the Marine drive we head up to the top of the Great Orme, Stopping on the way at the great orme mines ( next Blog ).
As we travelled up the great orme we watched the tram heading up also. A few years ago we went on a school trip up here on the tram taking Daniel also he had a wonderful day out on the tram.
Web Sites Links Below to Llandudno Great Orme
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