Friday, April 2, 2010

Tower Of London

We spent a lot of time at the Tower Of London. We went on a guided tour learning the history of the tower and the grisly details from the Beefeater's. The tower holds the Queen`s jewels in a large walk in safe. We were not allowed to take photographs in there.
The jewel collection was fascinating form crowns many years old to recently dated items are held at the tower.
We walked for ages entering all the towers and looking at many different items on display. The views of Tower Bridge were also good.
We listened to the stories of evil, witnessed the gadgets used for torture. It was very interesting. We learnt that the executions took place on Tower Hill ( next to the tube were we were staying ). How the unfortunate Ann Boleyn met her end at the top of Tower Hill. Below are some of the photo`s taken

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