Friday, May 15, 2009

Toytastic Aaron`s Entry Published In Book

Congratulations Aaron.
Recently Aaron entered a competition during a Kids Club session along with some of the other children in the club.

I am proud to say he was one of the finalists who had his creation of the toy he created published in the Toytastic book.


By Aaron - my creation is a robot that turns into a bike with a bin, a cooker, has a light, its Eco friendly and runs on carbon dioxide, methane, carbon monoxide and can save the environment by turning the rubbish into energy. The robot also has a hoover, a scanner to help it identify objects and it has a radar to help it find it way about. It also has little pellets that the left of rubbish is turned into besides the gases stated above. It can speak by the scanner converting languages including animals and alien and convert the language into English.

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