Orange Wednesday is always a useful tool in our house during the school holidays. After texting film to 241 on your Orange phone you receive a text with a code to enable you to go to the cinema 2 for 1.
Aaron loves going the the Cinema. We headed down to Wrexham parking up at Tesco. So we could do some shopping too.
We headed over the the new Odean cinema complex in Eagles Meadow. The complex is quite big the new cinema is on the 2nd floor. We bought our tickets then headed out to the town centre for a look around the shops before the film started.
Aaron got himself some clothes as he is growing up fast and out of his clothes very quick he is now in age 13 yrs clothes. A big lad who looks after his mum very well. Aaron and I are very close after all we have been through together.
Heading back to the cinema Aaron ordered his popcorn and drink. We were given a scratch card and we also won another popcorn lucky pair we are. Billy met us at the complex a bit later as he was collecting some information about his new job. He is now up in Wales on a permanent basis not having to travel back and to to Liverpool anymore luckily he has a few months off before starting he has payed leave not bad ahh.
The film was brilliant we all enjoyed it. It gave us a giggle at times and had us all clued to the screen. The film is about all the exhibitions coming to life in the museum at night. i wont tell you what happens as it will spoil the film if you want to go watch it.
But all of us recommend seeing it. Below is a link to the official web site.

To view google video clips please click here : -
Also here is a link to the on line game
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