The house is set back from the road on the part were the road separates into a duel carriage way.
I have heard tales of this house as the duel carriage way is an accident black spot. It is told by many people who have crashed there cars at this spot a tale which will be told later in this blog.
We entered the drive way of the old Jacobean House. The house at this point looked very creepy.
We walked to the front door of the old house. Creaking as they opened we were ushered inside for our ghost tour.
We started our tour. We were lead into a large hall way which was filled with many paintings. Billy is very good on history and old painting and new many things about the items in the large hall.
We headed next into what is said to be the old court room. Here trails were held before the convicted were lead into what is now a bedroom the hanging room. In the hanging room the convicted were hung dropping through a trap door into the cellar below. The relatives of the convicted were then given the body as they waited at the outer door of the cellar so they could bury there loved ones. Not quite sure how anyone could sleep in that room with the history that surrounds it ??
We continued around the house going up the main stairway. Here we were shown a 400 yr old rug. Billy showed us a picture of King Charles the 1st. We entered another great room. It was said that when a family member had died they were laid in this room so the family could pay there respects.
It was here we were told the tale of the lady and the road outside. Many drivers who have crashed there cars claim to have seen a lady in the road some say they have hit here but no one is ever found.
The lady is said to be a resident of the house. Set back in the 19Th century. She fell in love with a peasant farm worker from a farm across the field in front of the house. Her father arranged for her to have an arranged marriage to a man many years older than her. She began to save money and things she could sell hiding them on a rope ribbon in the well so she could elope with her farm lover.
On the night they were suppose to elope together she went to the well to gather her haul of items and money but tragically fell in and drowned. She wasn't found till a few weeks later.
Her ghost is said to be seen running across the duel carriage way trying to get to her farm hand lover. A very sad tale of a young girl.
The visions of the young girl are said to be very true it has been reported many times over many years to the police at Mold police station.
We moved on around the house visiting the many bedrooms of the property. The bathrooms were situated on the outer tower walls and were all very cold to stand in.
We headed up to the upper floor a large attic style hall way met us with ix bedrooms leading off. It is here the house is said to be most haunted. The first bedroom is said to be the most haunted of all.
One tale told of the headless horse men said to roam the grounds of the house. These have been seen from the road outside. The horse men were said to be that of kings soldiers who in history looted the house and were hung for there crimes.
Another tale told of adultery. The lady of the house at the time was having an affair, when her husband found out he killed himself in the most haunted bedroom. A while later his wife was found dead. He is thought he murdered her before killing himself. The mirror in the on suite bathroom leading off the most haunted bedroom is said to move on its own at times.
All the bedroom had a mysterious feel to them and were all set out beautifully. The panel bedroom was very effective with it boarded oak walls. A very dark room but with lovely decor. The bathroom leading off again cold was fitted with a very old bath ( tin with a place at the bottom to light a fire to warm the water ) very interesting. The panel bedroom is were the seances are hold on paranormal nights at the house.
Other rooms at the top of the house were the twin children's bedroom and the parrot room with the haunted bad crib. On paranormal nights at the house this floor is said to be very much alive with load bangs, moving furniture and voices that can be heard. Above the attic rooms is a closed off area which is said to have been the quarters for the many servants.
We left this floor by the back stairway before crossing the house on the 2ND floor to the stairway leading to the dinning area`s and the office room. The office room with its low ceiling was very claustrophobic. The dining areas were laid out very well bring the atmosphere to life of the 19Th century and beyond. Below the dining area was the old cellar now laid out with all the old kitchen items found around the house.
The cellar even had the decomposing body of a small rat. Small compared to our Bart who is now a fully grown very tame large male rat. This fascinated Aaron. There were loads interesting items and things to see and hear around this house. Aaron like the rest of us really enjoyed our visit to the creepy Jacobean Country House.
We walked around the grounds for a while before leaving and heading home.
What an experience our visit to Plas Teg was.
Below is a link to the web site :-
for more photographs look under spooky photos on photobucket on line photographs link opposite.
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