We headed down to the Wirral today. Stopping to feed two hungry children and a Nana breakfast on the way at McDonalds.

The boys and I ( Aaron & Callum ) headed to the beach. We parked up at Moreton Shore. Taking Fred from the car we headed up the steps and down the sea defence onto the beach. We walked right along the beach towards Harrison Drive and turned around and walked back again.
We headed off the beach onto the path of the lighthouse. The lighthouse is currently under reconstruction which was nice to see.
After visiting Daniel and Callum`s grave we dropped Nana off to see her sister as her sister is poorly.
The boys and I ( Aaron & Callum ) headed to the beach. We parked up at Moreton Shore. Taking Fred from the car we headed up the steps and down the sea defence onto the beach. We walked right along the beach towards Harrison Drive and turned around and walked back again.
The tide was out as I checked before we left the tide timetable to make sure but it was due in at 3.30pm. I showed the boys how this part of the beach could be dangerous. This is due to sandbanks which the tide comes in around and you can be cut off.
As we finished our walk the tide could be seen surrounding a sandbank which was accessible via the part of the beach we were on only 1/2 hr before. A valuable lesson they learnt today.
Moreton and along the coast has a history of smugglers here is a link to an interesting web site that tells you about the area and the local history http://www.wirralcam.org/leasowe.shtml
I grew up by the River Mersey so no how dangerous these waters can be. Moreton Shore is part of the Irish Sea and is also the mouth of the River Mersey. Known as Liverpool Bay.
When we were younger we used to ride our horse on this part of the beach galloping up and down in the surf. It was a fantastic feeling with the wind blowing through your hair and sand on the horses feet. The horses new when we were near the sea they could smell the sea air Bubble my palomino gelding would go mad and took alot of holding back on the beach he loved it. Another of my horses Pepi my black dales loved to swim. Riding him bareback one day he swam out really far and it took me ages to get him to turn back he loved it. Sadly my old ponies have since passed away at ripe old ages. I still miss them today as I grew up with them from the age of 3.
Back to our walk, we carried on up the shore line in the distance we could see the old Leasowe Lighthouse.
The boys and Fred had had a fab time chasing each other around. Aaron did a stop of beach combing on his way and found some weird stuff. Fred took to chasing the sea gulls. The gulls ended up playing games with Fred swooping down on him then flying out above the waters. Fred barmy as he is followed swimming after them silly dog. We ended up putting Fred on the lead in case he got into difficulties.
We headed off the beach onto the path of the lighthouse. The lighthouse is currently under reconstruction which was nice to see.
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