Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument. The Stones hold many secrets and magical tales.
Stonehenge is a fascinating place to visit. Aaron loved it here.
Heading for the gift shop we picked up a book for Aaron telling all about this mystical place. To learn more about Stonehenge visit the link below. More photographs can be seen on out on line photo albums link opposite. Stonehenge album is under summer hols 2009.
Recently he was in the newspaper after being evicted from Stonehenge. The newspapers never told the true story why he was staying at the stones.
The real reason being archaeologists have removed ancient bodies from graves at Stonehenge. The bodies are not going to be put back. They are being kept in storage. King Arthur Pendragon is protesting that the bodies should be placed back in the graves were they belong.
Many people signed the petition for the bodies to be placed back were they belong.
to visit King Arthur Pendragon web site click here .
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