Our Angels

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Daniels 19th Birthday

Daniel would have been 19 years old today the 23rd of April 2016.
The date is aldo quite significant this year as you share it eith the 400 yr anniversary of William Shakespeare's death. Stratford upon Avon have put on a fabulous event to mark the 400 years.
I often wonder what you would be like now at the age of 19 its hard knowing that we will never know.
Your grave today the place where your weary body now lays is filled with fresh flowers and little trinkets that you loved wilst alive.
I have comfort in knowing the last few years of your life where happy. We visited many places in such a short time and gained lots of lovely memories once we werent held back any longer.
I always think about you when the planes take off  how you loved to fly. You visited quite a few places in the last couple of years of your life. Lapland, Disney and Greece  such special times.
This years to mark your birthday we have sponsered a little pony that was drawn to me a pony called Didget. He is a pony that  was rescued from a stable fire, he was born the same year as you and is called Didget. A strange name considering you my boy where born with 6 fingers and 6 toes. 
I know Daniel I can live in peace knowing I did everything in my power to see you had a good life dispite the life being very sort. You missed out on nothing even conquering Mount Snowdon.
Sleep well little man although I doubt you will be doing that sure the heavens will be rocking to night for yiur 19th  birthday party, 

Ps  keeo those little signs coming I no your watching over us.
Love mummy  xxxx

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