Our Angels

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Wild Windy Woods

The woods are wild this morning, as the wind moves in from the south.
The whistling goes stronger as the trees wave laden with leaves.
The glistening Autumn sun peaks through at times.
Which turns the area so pretty with l golden brown.
But as the storm front deepens the blackness starts to surround.
Deep within the wooded land the trees blow to and fro.
Branches crack crashing to the ground as the wind whistles across the land.
Shivering in soaking rain I watch the Sky's ahead.
The tree top bending over as the wind tears it to shreds.
A crack a groan and hellish sound as the roots come out of the ground.
The forward topple of the tree as it hits the rain soaked ground.
The wind grows even stronger as the rain just lashes down.
How strong is something we cant see as it whistles round and round.
Hiding under a tree truck I try to shelter there.
But where ever I try to hide wind sweeps in for me.
I battle through the wind and rain to reach a sunny place.
Finally I find my shelter deep between the trees.
My house I find still standing as the wind still gusts around.
Inside is my sunshine at last I have found.
Curled up by the fire I listen to creaks and growl.
The wild wind still blows around.
Windy wood still battles on
As the storm rages to a peak I hear the final groans.
But soon the wild wood will mellow as the wind dies down.
Whats left is broken branches and a tree that failed to stand.
At last the storm is over and the wild wood at last is still.

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