Our Angels

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Japanese Gardens - Kildare

Below is the delightful story of the Japanese Gardens 

The Japanese Gardens are spectacular a`place of sheer mystery and a pleasure to explore. The Gardens  tell a story of 
" The Life Of Man "
you walk through the gardens visiting parts that represent life of man. 
The pilgrim soul enters the gardens through the Gate of Oblivion. Moving on you enter the part of the garden called The Cave of Birth, walking then along the path of childhood into the dark tunnel of ignorance. The darkness represents the lack of understanding within a child. Within the tunnel you can find the light  of knowledge which then leads to the hill of learning. A tall pine tree tempts the students to look high. Unguarded pitfalls are a reminder of the dangers which surround us as we grow, this teachers vigilance. Next you walk down the hill to be level with your fellows. 
Following the more rugged path this is the path of adventure through the adolescent years to the parting of the ways. 
Here there are choices carefree life of the smooth path, the narrow path of bachelorhood of the stepping stones of exploration. Across the waters ahead lead to wedding life.
After a short while you arrive at the Island Of Joy and Wonder. Here he meets his future wife and joins her on the engagement bridge. Next stop is the marriage bridge, walking on along the honeymoon path. At the end of the honey moon path is an obstruction. This represents a difference of opinion. 
After a brief separation, they then find the hill of ambition. In the distance is the well of wisdom. As they try to reach the well to drink, the way is hard and steep leading to disappointment as they are separated from it by water. The have to retrace their steps and ascend the Hill of Ambition together. 
Here they can look back and see the joys, successes and the failures.
Now the years are declining and they descend together, pausing by the waterfall to pray to their gods. the path is easier as they walk across the smooth water running below.
Soon they reach he tea house a miniature Japanese village, now they reach the well of wisdom. Pausing they wish to enlighten before they cross the bridge of life into the garden of peace and contentment beyond.
Old age now starts to creep up they find the path forward smooth and level, life is easier and tribulations are behind them. 
On ward they soon reach the hill of morning, his wife is now seated in the comfort chair of old age, our wanderer traces his faltering steps to the hill of mourning where he is laid to rest surrounded by the weeping trees.
His soul now passes through the Gateway to Eternity and so the story closes. 

Hope you have enjoyed the story of the Japanese Gardens.

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