Our Angels

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Errdig Medieval Christmas Fayre + Woodland Walk With Fred

Today Nana, Aaron Callum and I (not forgetting Fred the dog ) headed to Wrexham To Errdig Medieval Christmas fayre. There were many stall all around the grounds of Errdig selling very nice unusual Christmas gifts. Callum and Aaron had look around on there own as they wanted to buy secret presents. Nana and I looked around the stalls, I bought some interesting things along the way. People were dressed up around the grounds in Medieval costume, Nana and I stopped for a while to listen to the harp music and then to the old fashioned bagpipe player. The bagpiper was really good. Nana really enjoyed the music.
We all met up again in the National Trust shop. Aaron took his Nan up in the disabled life, whilst Callum and I took the stairs as we headed to the cafe for a pit stop and a warm. Here we all sat down for a treat. Creamy hot chocolate drinks and shortbread biscuits. We had a lovely time.
The bagpiper then wandered into the cafe, he gave me a wink as he played the pipes for my mum. She has not been to well and is suffering from stress and anxiety, she is under the doctor at present. My mum will be 80 yrs old in January.
Afterwards we headed back outside having another look around the stalls. Leaving Nana at the fayre the boys and I headed off to take Fred for a walk. Aaron ran back and gave his Nan the car keys so she could come back to the car when she had finished looking around the fayre
Woodland Walk at Errdig

The boys and I headed off along the paths for a circular walk around the woods. There were lots of dogs and their owners out today. It was rather muddy along the paths, good job we had our wellington boots on.

Aaron managed to get stuck in the mud in the swamp and Fred managed to get very wet and smelly. Fred was running around like a mad nutter really enjoying himself.

There had been problems with trees at Errdig due to disease and the wind. Some tree`s had been felled. The boy`s went to take a look. They have been learning to age tree`s by the rings so they had a good look. the tree was very rotten inside.

We carried on along the muddy paths. The boys climbed the tree`s. Boys will be boys Aaron loves to climb tree`s and mess about in the mud and swamps. He reminds me of myself when I was a child. Boys should be allowed to play, climb and enjoy themselves and run wild around the open countryside. Being out in all weathers rain, hail, snow and ice does you the world of good.

Fred rounded off the day by jumping back into the swamp. He came out one happy smelly dog. What fun we had today.

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