Our Angels

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Day & Boxing Day Relaxing At Home December 2009

Happy Christmas Aaron

It was good to see Aaron smiling opening his Christmas presents on Christmas day. A big difference from watching him crying at the bedside of his brother Daniel as he lay dieing.
This year we spent Christmas Day and Boxing Day at home relaxing.
Aaron was up early, 5.30am very excited as he came down stairs to see what was hidden beneath the Christmas Tree. He opened his presents eagerly each one smiling as he got what he had asked for.
Aaron had many gifts including lots of Top Gear Toys, Games, DVD`s and books. His main present was a PSP Go. This is the latest in technology. It goes wireless on the Internet, you can down load games, store photo`s and music. For the size of it it is quite amazing. It went on our wireless Internet without a problem. I set his PlayStation account up so he is now up and ready using his new PSP Go.
Aaron also received watercolours, football stuff, colouring sets and other books including one I managed to sneak home from Rome all about Rome with a DVD included. This is a lovely book.

Happy Christmas Fred, Sooty, Jingle, Jake & Pudding

As usual all the animals received a treat. Fred got a Christmas stocking and a bag of bonio`s. Jake the parrot a seed ring, Sooty & Pudding the cats a pack of sausages each. Jingle got a strawberry lick. Only the poor fish missed out as there is not a lot you can get fish. With them being so old I don't like to put different things in there tank, as they have survived for many years as they are.

Happy Christmas Nana

As for Nana she received quite a few presents. Sweeties and wild bird feed set. Nana will be 80 yrs old in January. Her main present was a necklace. The necklace was very special it had a picture of Daniel engraved on it. On the back it had engraved the words Daniel with kisses. She was thrilled with it. It has been very hard for my mum over the years watching me go through so many heart breaking things she deserved a treat.
As for me, I got some new toys including a new Sony camera with lots of buttons. A digital camcorder so soon we will be up loading to you tube ( just need to figure it out, not had time yet ).
I also got a beautiful book about Michael Angelo, clothes, some fab sock`s. candles, wine and other little odds and ends.
Christmas this year was not as hard as I thought it would be we all had a nice time and enjoyed it.

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