Our Angels

Friday, September 18, 2009

Our Bart 18/09/09

Our pet rat Bart sadly died today after contracting Preumonia due to pasturellosis. This is a common illness amongst rats and mice. Sadly Barts lungs failed to recover from the illness leaving him hardly able to breath un aided.
We have fought to save Bart`s life since Monday with the help of the vet.
After treatment on Wednesday steroids and anti biotic jabs. We hand fed Bart using a dropper around the clock every half hour, then hour and two hourly during the night, giving him hydration medication along with antibiotic.
Thursday we all thought we had won the fight to save his life as he started to stand again on his own, breath better, eat and drink by himself.
Friday morning Bart took a turn for the worse again this time collapsing onto he side. Sadly he came to the end of his short life at only 18 mths old.
We bought Bart not long after Daniel died he was a very special friend and companion to both myself and Aaron. We are both devastated by the death of a much loved pet.
Th vet believes he may have had an under line condition such as cancer of the lungs and tumours were effecting his lungs.
Bart will be sadly missed by us all. Fred the dog has been frantic since yesterday climbing up to Bart's cage and trying to get to his much loved friend.
God Bless our Bart xxxxxxxxxxx

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