Welcome to clutter chaos blog. This is our family blog & activity journal of our life. Fun for all, with links to interesting web sites. Aaron is a fantastic boy I am very proud of him. He also has a web journal attached to penybont stores & clutter chaos web sites links on this blog. Each show different pictures and tell different tales of life and things we find that may interest others. THANKS FOR READING OUR BLOGS - HAPPY VIEWING LOVE LESLEY, AND MY WONDERFUL BOY AARON XX
Our Angels
Monday, April 29, 2013
Beauty On The Doorstep Pistyll Rhaeadr Falls
Recently we had a lovely afternoon out at Pistyll Rhaeadr Waterfalls. We took Reggie the dog and went for a walk along the river high up amongst the tree`s. The views were wonderful, we took in the fresh air breathing deep as the fresh clean of the valley filled our lungs.
After our walk we headed to he coffee shop settling down in the pretty garden for a lovely cup of coffee.
We took some wonderful pictures especially of Reggie he posed so well for me it great to have such a great model.
The falls is a very beautiful place to visit a very magical land full of fantasy and legend. Pistyll Rhaeadr Waterfall is one of the seven wonders of Wales and you can see why when you visit the magical land surrounding the falls.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Daniel 16 Today : Partying With The Angels
Today Daniel would have reached a mile stone in his life, he would have been 16 years old. I can imagine what he would have been like. He was Daniel, a boy who had a number of problems but had a strong mind of his own. He was a determined little boy who drove doctors mad. Many times he stuck two fingers up at them and did exactly what they said he would never do. He learned to live, to walk, to swim, ride a bike, and ride a horse. Daniel also learn to talk to us using sign language. He was a clever boy locked in a body that did not work as good as he himself wanted it to.
I have many memories of Daniel some of which I look back on and smile. He was such a character. Like the time he disappeared in his wheelchair in Sainsbury`s in Oswestry. You had to have eyes in the back of your head. I just popped down an isle and left you with your Nana. As usual she was looking at the sweets. I came back you were gone. You were so clever you lent down took your brakes off your wheelchair and with your high wheels you wheeled yourselves off. Aaron and I spent the next 10 minutes running around the isle`s of Sainsbury`s searching for you. There you were looking at the items on the reduced shelf the throwing them on the floor. Many things you mastered during your lifetime including working the TV and Video and the DVD player, you would pick what you wanted to watch and of you went stuck it on and screeched with joy shaking all over with excitement. The Isle of Man motorbike racing was one of your favourites. You loved speed. Music was another if a band was playing you would be off down the front no matter how load it was and you would not come back. If I tried to push your wheelchair back you would have a right old tantrum. Stubborn as a mule you were.
Another of the memories I have of you was you on a plane and my didn`t we do some travelling. Off to Lapland, Paris and Greece. Just the 3 of us sometimes. You, me and Aaron.
I am thankful you got to see some of the world. You loved aeroplanes, strapped into your seat you would wait for the plane to start off down the runway the you would start. Your face lit up with joy and excitement as the engines began to roar for take up you would screech and shake arms going like mad so excited at the speed of the plane. The look on your face as the plane took off from the ground and into the sky is a look I will never forget. I am just so pleased I have so many memories of you and the good ones are taking over from the bad more now than they did before.
There are so many tales I could tell about our little Daniel. He touched the hearts of all that ever has the chance to meet him. He was very special a law unto himself. A cheeky smile a sneaky pinch and hugs I will treasure forever. Happy 16th Birthday my angel. Heaven will surly be partying tonight. xxxx
Sweet 16 and never been kissed ?
God saw you getting tired
When a cure was not to be
He put his arms around you
And whispered come to me.
God Bless & Love Always
Never Forgotten
16 Today My Angel Daniel