Our Angels

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Snowdrops At Attingham Park

Below are the views of the snowdrops at Attingham Park Shropshire. Recently we took the dogs for a walk on the deer walk which is at present also part of the snowdrop walk. Thousands of little white snowdrop plants lite the way. Unfortunately we didn't see any deer, but the snowdrops made up for this.

Walk Through The Valley

Recently Aaron & I took the dogs on a few mile hike across the valley. We strolled along the lane`s field`s & bridleways, up and down hills. Across stream`s and a ford, through thick yucky mud along the way. The view`s from the top of the hills is fantastic, on some of the photographs our house can be seen in the distance. It`s the large cream coloured building set in the heart of our tiny village / hamlet.
Walking offers you relaxation and de-stresses the mind. we walked many miles this day.
Aaron had a funny turn when we caught a whiff of the chicken farm he heaved a little with the nasty smell from the chicken poo. We witnessed many animals, wildlife and birds along the way. From the common countryside sheep and cow`s, to the wonderful sight of buzzards and even a rear red kite. The Kite`s stand out due the sound of their call and the distinctive V in their tales. One flew directly over head of us. Kite`s have bee introduced back into the valley and can be seen on occasions. We also cam across a couple of horses and the usual pheasants and rabbit`s etc.
It was also nice to see the snowdrops out in the sunshine.
On our way back I rang Simon so he could walk down to meet us as we neared home. He is slowly gathering his strength back after his successful operation.
The dogs had a great time they came home rather mucky. Just as Aaron and I did.
We hope you enjoy the photographs below.